WOW! Complete magazines in PDF!
by Titus 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Mad Sweeney
Bible Teach and Bible Stories are pdf available now, too. The kool-aid mags have been around in this format for awhile now but I think the public versions are new.
Yes, the public versions are new (July) and the books. I'm really curious why they are going this way...and how far they will go.
A friend just asked for a public copy of the July 1 magazine and were told they weren't available to inactive jws. Do you think this is a gift from God?
I expect the official website with responses on apostates' accusations. Something like "jehovahsjudgment", but official now.
Eventually an announcement, "We are proud to announce that we are no longer sending and printing magazines, but ask everyone to print their own copies and bring them to the meetings." :)
I'm sure they'll eventually put all their literature in electronic format. Then they can sell off the factories and kick out more bethelites.
They'll probably eventually get the idea of putting an expiry date on their electronic literature as well, so it can't be viewed after a certain amount of time. This can aid in covering up "old light".
So if all the publications/magazines go digital, what would be the impetus in going door to door?
We've known for sometime that the WT publishing empire was crumbling but as long as they propped it up, it gave the R&F a purpose to their so-called ministry. Now that they're going, albeit slowly, digital; there will come a time when it becomes pointless trying to peddle magazines at the door.
What will dubs do? Hand the householder a handbill with the WTS website address and tell them for their free copy of a life saving message, visit that site and download the magazine? There's no money in that. And it's not even a good busy work program. There are much better ways of advertising websites...
Good Work Bethel Boys!
2014 looms, best to keep them distracted with change!
Anyone read over Oct WT yet?
What will dubs do? Hand the householder a handbill with the WTS website address and tell them for their free copy of a life saving message, visit that site and download the magazine?
Probably door to door will be more in the style of the assembly handbills - just a single page, and like you say, with the web address.
Mad Sweeney
I expect the official website with responses on apostates' accusations. Something like "jehovahsjudgment", but official now.
This would be a paradigm shift that would indicate that we are TRULY in a new era with GB2.0. Historically, they do not address any contrary accusations directly but rather use ad hominem attacks on any who "disloyally" have a problem with their hypocrisy, lies, and coverups.
If they are going to go the way of that "jehovahsjudgment" clown, it isn't going to help them. It might not hurt them but people ready to leave are going to leave.