Hi all,
I'm currently visiting a psychologist/therapist to help me examine and work through my depression- I've had medical depression/anxiety all of my life. I'm no longer anxious or excessively paranoid for the most part- that was a part of my younger childhood, probably from fears and nightmares of destruction at armageddon, and other childhood exaggerations and amplified fears. But right now, she's treating me for a recent fall back into a depression.
Anyways, for the most part, as you could guess, my depression stems from learning I have wasted my entire life (17 years) up to now in a cult, and pretty much my entire perceived world was nothing but an illusory concept. As of now, she doesn't know this, nor have I revealed it to her, besides a brief mention of the fact that I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
I plan to inform her of WHY I'm depressed, because neither of us can solve my depression if I don't present the underlying issue.
BUT, I don't know how much she knows regarding cult psychology, and all the things it does to a person, and I'm afraid she may not completely understand why I feel the way I feel- how I think, how I interpret things, beliefs, etc.
Because psychologists/counselors are by oath entitled to keep secrecy and confidentiality (except of course on matters involving immediate danger to life/well being) I want to divulge this to her, but I want her to understand exactly what it is that I've been through for the past 17 years.
So, I guess what I'm saying is, what are some of the best sources of information that educate on cult psychology, behaviors, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the like, that I can direct or present to a non-JW, so that she can possibly become more disposed to understand me?
Literature, websites, and the like would be helpful, as well as official documentation on research (by other psychologists) on cults, or JW's. I'm not sure but youtube documentaries may work also, as long as they're fairly objective, and not necessarily demeaning to witnesses in general.
Scientific / psychological analysis that give a brief (accurate) overview of the doctrine and system in general, and then the effects of this on humans, I guess. Thanks, if you get what I'm trying to say, since, after reading this, I don't think I really got my point across... lol.