Alice, bullshit is still bullshit and the Watchtower is full of it!
Aren't You Embarrassed That YOU Ever Believed Any Of The Watchtower Bullsh*t?
by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends
She also clearly has not really researched the history of the Bible canon beyond parroting what the Insight book tells her to believe.
(Not that that's what this thread is about, anyways)
Thank God for the 1984 NWT edition! The 1970 one wasn't so good.
Don't be hatin' on my Greenie, Min.......
I still use it to distract myself and litte ones with the dinosaur!
What a terrible color!
Now THAT was embarrassing!!!
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
bring back the green
Yes I am. After almost 18 years out, I find it amazing that at one time I accepted everything they taught hook, line and sinker. When I read Alices, Banes or Debators posts, I am reminded of what I used to be. I don't look down on them instead I hope they too one day see the error and falacy of the Watchtower Society.
Yep. Now that I've been out for over ten years...I wonder what the heck I was thinking when I joined up. Its kind of amazing and humbling to realize that I was so suseptible to their tactics. There were things that bothered me from the beginning, but I ignored them. I think most of my problem was lack of self-confidence along with some serious fairytale thinking. Just didn't have the guts to properly question, as well as wanting the fantasy to be true.
Witness 007
I'm in MAY still be the truth in another universe where reality is warped.