PAULAPOLLOS- Yeah, I agree with CANTLEAVE, I think it is just a general warning to rank and file witnesses to avoid ANY source of negative information - whether it be by internet, apostates, news media, anything. They keep banging this thought pretty regularly I notice the last couple years to JW's.
SNOWBIRD- Thanks sis. Indeed the WT society IS getting more paranoid trying to exert the control on it's members because they know inroads are being made here on the internet educating their members. Gotta love it !
CANTLEAVE- Good points. If the WT society keeps making " blanket statements " as you mentioned to avoid ANYTHING or ANYONE negatively talking about the WT society or their beliefs - they can extend that into influencing members to not listen to us inactive former JW 's to get information which would in reality HELP them - but JW's will connect the negative dots in their minds thus closing their minds to us. Pretty ingenious really on the part of the leaders of the WT society. Bastards