Do you think Major Conspiracy Theorists have some very serious mental issues?
by asilentone 35 Replies latest jw experiences
I know why you're asking that.
I do and? What's your point? Where are my meds? Why are you looking at me??? Is that you New World Order? Mommy?????
I'd answer that , but they might be listening .
and those that don't consider conspiracy fact are ..... sheeple
google "gulf of tonkin" ... so much to share but your mercury fluoridated brains can't allow you to think :-)
Well, isn't the Watchtower organization itself more than a little conspiratorial (is that a word?) in nature? Knowing how power-mad controlling groups can be, I wouldn't automatically rule something out just because it sounds a little woo woo. For example, I have a really hard time believing JFK was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald alone and completely of his own volition. Don't you?
Mad Sweeney
By "Major Conspiracy" I assume you mean the ones who believe in a unified global multi-century plan for world domination. Yeah, they're nuts, but no more so than we were as Dubs.
Historian and author H.G. Wells did in fact publish a paper entitled "The Open Conspiracy". His arch-nemesis Orwell wrote 1984, I believe, as something of a rebuttal and a warning.