Amen to that.
Best Songs used by Movies
by Darth plaugeis 214 Replies latest social entertainment
Why a Duck??
The whole mirror scene from Groucho and Harpo is seriously one of the funniest things I've ever seen. We tried to pay homage to it in a wrestling thing I did a while ago but we failed miserably.
In total agreement on the Marx brothers thing. For Rocky vs. Space Oddesey, you're talking to a child of the 80's there's really no question here for me. Rocky is still my idol. I still aim to be in the kind of shape Stallone was in for Rocky IV or Rocky III.
I'm a child of the 80s too. But even if you hate 2001, and a lot of people do, you can't deny that everybody on the planet who's ever heard the song thinks "Oh yeah, that's from that boring sci-fi movie'... most people don't even know it was originally a classical piece composed centuries ago. I always thought the song was written for the film. It seems almost inconceivable to me that it wasn't.
"Why a duck?"
I'm all right, how are you?
I love those guys. When I was like 10, I would scan the TVGuide (ok, it was a looooooooong time ago) for movies. I loved the old stuff, and the Marx Bros were one of my favorites. If the movie I wanted to see came on in the middle of the night, I would set my alarm and get up quietly to watch it. Can't believe I never got caught. I was a pretty crappy student though