I was thinking this afternoon about a sister who was married to a witness guy who worked PT, they had one 5 yr. old boy. and a 1 yr. old girl.
One evening at the TMS she was giving talk # 3, and halfway through the talk she stopped, looked a little flustered, and said "I can't do this anymore"
She proceeded to get off the stage, and walked out of the hall with her husband looking very red - faced while he was gathering up the kids.
Shortly afterwards, she was df'ed and left her husband for another guy.
Back then I was just MORTIFIED regarding what she said, ( along with most of the congregation) but now I understand her position.
Another extreme demonstration was in the late 1980's. The Hopp sisters from Crystal Lake were giving a demonstration about how to place one of the magazines during the service meeting. One of them started giggling, then the other one chimed in.
They started laughing so hard, they couldn't continue with the part, one of them was married to the cong. po, so it was doubly painful to watch
this crash and burn..