It occured to me that when the new, young Elders, Ministerial Servants and so on take over, they are further and further away from the origin of the Witnesses. When the lies were fresh in the minds of all, when people saw first hand what was done wrong, giving them the reasons to jump ship and enjoy life, without fear of making a mistake, because they had a good idea of the facts. These things have since been brushed under the carpet and the Circuit Overseers, Elders, Ministerial Servants and so on are more naive and clueless (in my opinion) than ever.
The same applies to the rank and file witnesses. They stumble around not knowing a thing about their religion and blindly follow because their father did it, and his father before him. The old ones who literally carried the congregation for many years are dieing out, taking with them the secrets of the past but leaving behind their twisted logic.
This gives the Society free reign to do as they wish and it seems they are doing so.
Yes people are leaving and people are discovering for themselves what the Society is about but there is still a new generation of Witnesses that may well be more dangerous than the last because they stand for a cause they don't understand. When confronted one day, perhaps by a worldwide ban what will their fear and confusion drive them to do? I personally think the walls are being built up, forcing its members to adopt a siege mentality. Reading the comments on the News Article about that JW who molested a young girl, it becomes clear that anything that does not quite sit right in their brainwashed minds, must be an attack.
I Quote;
"Satan loves to use the power of sex and womenly seduction to tempt Jehovah's people away from the Truth. Surely this is a sign we are in the last days. Now that the demons can get into the Kingdom Hall we need to protect ourselves and draw even closer to Jehovah"
There have been a lot of steps taken recently that seem to isolate the Witnesses from the 'world' more than ever. Study and Public editions of the Watchtower for example, its another divide between them and us.