As part of an exit, you need to look at everything and question it. I have been out for over a decade, and I have looked in to many faiths. Now, perhaps it can be said, I corrupted my mind. As I researched the Bible and looked at the history and how it really was put together and written. Also, I came to many personal conclusions about how faith comes about. In that, we have most of our faith from fear, what our parents taught us and personal need and weakness. As I looked at both, I soon realized I was looking at a book that had a lot of obvious wrongs, problems and not what people said. Yes, it gives some good advice, but most are good advice concepts found in many religions and cultures. Things that simple made sense to say and thus, with Christianity or without, many cultures came to the same conclusion.
So, what about the rest, what about the problems with the comments of violence, hatred, and jealously of the god mentioned? What about the idea that the Old Testiment God, it not the same as the New Testiment God. What about the complete and utter nonesense of the orginal sin and allowing thousands of years of pain to exist for a simple act of a man and woman in a garden of Eden. When I looked at all this, I realized that the value of this book dropped to some where at the level of a history book. Yes, it has some good sentences in there, but more then anything it had some history of a part of the world.
Now, it does show a believe in a spirit realm, which I think is real. It does have concepts of Karma, which I do agree with. As for dying for it, quoting it like law, or making it out to be the most important book of man. Um, just not there. Although, I would never agree with destroying it, or ignoring its place in history. As it deserves to be studied and remembered. I just hope in time, that the human race moves beyond it's mentally binding concepts of closed minded behavior and people come out of this age of ignorance. Mankind needs to grow to another level of thinking and existence. Which, if read, has a link to what I think 2012 might bring.