Since the society is looking for young men to be ministerial servants, why not include qualified single women? Women already lead as pioneers.
Women already work in the society and branch offices. In our modern society, women have proven to be good workers, professionals and managers.
It is a matter of relative interpretation that men ***and women*** may become ministerial servants, just as we train our sons ***and daugthers***.
I attended a kingdom hall that had a woman serving at the counter. Why not make it officially?
I know we should "not take down fences without knowing the reasons", but this is something that could be discontinued if real and compelling issues arise. Who knows, the "fences" were for no reason at all. And if recruiting women proves to be successful, then why not consider them to elder service also.
Say increase the MS pool, the more help/collaboration, the less overwhelming the tasks and issues. Make it easy, for ministerial servants to take a leave or even step down. Revalidate the MS periodically for everybody's good, health and welfare
I have been a ministerial servant, but after years of real pressure, then harmful gossiping, then harmful meddling - my family and marriage has been broken.
I think including single women who can be dedicated in their service may help solve the perceived ministerial servant shortage.