Have you installed all Windows updates, including service pack 3?
How can I enable the ssl protocol?
by asilentone 29 Replies latest jw friends
I am working on it, Baltar. I have installed automatic updates for Windows. For now, I am going to sign off.
Thanks for trying to help me out. I tried to follow your suggestions but it is not working too well for me. I am considering to get a email account without SSL protocol. Any suggestions?
I am considering to get Static IP, if possible.
A static IP would be important if you were trying to enable inbound port 443 (SSL) connections
That's not your problem here. You're having a simple browser / windows issue
Have you tried other browsers? Try IE8. You don't have to permanently switch to it, but if you can get an alternate browser to work, it would help to isolate the problem
I tried to get another browsers working, but it is not working out too well for me, but I am now using GMX email account, it is working!
You could have malware if SSL/TLS is broken. Try to download malwarebytes and run a scan on your computer.
Thanks for the tip!
Even if your computer already has XP service pack 3, I'd recommend downloading it again from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=5b33b5a8-5e76-401f-be08-1e1555d4f3d4&displaylang=en
My suspicion is that the 128 bit encryption pack for your system is broken, that's why you can't get a secured site on any of your browsers. Re-installing the service pack may fix it.
In the old days, windows shipped only with the capability for 64 bit encryption. You had to install the "high-encrpytion pack" to bring your OS up to 128 bit.
Thanks for another tip. I appreciate it.