Eight Marks of a Mind Control Cult

by Bangalore 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    DD fortunately you and the other jokes from your Brand of Cultdom show up here regularly to convert (Baptist Pioneers) the xJW community. And fortunately and expectedly you routinely get your proverbial ears boxed.

    You and Mr. Frosty Flakes are quite a pair, throw in a real fruit cake like Perry and viola!! Lunch is served

    But we have hope for you, we broke free and so can you

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    DD fortunately you and the other jokes from your Brand of Cultdom show up here regularly to convert (Baptist Pioneers) the xJW community. And fortunately and expectedly you routinely get your proverbial ears boxed.

    You and Mr. Frosty Flakes are quite a pair, throw in a real fruit cake like Perry and viola!! Lunch is served

    I'm beginning to think you and Mad JW are one and the same. When you don't get your way you resort to insults and name calling. My guess is that is the way you and your JW pals responded to the people you feared.

  • quietlyleaving

    nice work bangalore. Force coupled with persuasion - no wonder we couldn't resist getting caught by JWs.

  • designs

    The Baptists are all about fear mongering. Big Cult.

    Do you like Miracle Milk on your Miracle Frosty Flakes

    I have high hopes for you and Steve, you'll make it

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    The Baptists are all about fear mongering. Big Cult.
    Do you like Miracle Milk on your Miracle Frosty Flakes

    You seem to suffer from fear mongering and practice it very well against all the WT's enemies.

    I don't know why you call me a "Baptist", not that it matters, I have many Baptist friends. What is it about "Baptists" that scares you to the point of obsession and paranoia? In most of your posts you demonstrate this with your insults directed at "Baptists or "Evangelical/Fundamentalist Western Christianity" or something similar. You seem to fear those who hold to the doctrines that JWs are conditioned to fear and hate. I think this shows just how strong the hold of the cult is still on your mind to this day. It really is something you need to get some help with, and get over, before you or someone else gets hurt.

  • designs

    DD you always use fear and hell and the other junk you have been taught and weirdly enough gulped down.

    DD,Perry, Stevie the Triune fruit cakes of Evangelicalism

    We'll keep helping you, you're going to make it out of your Cult, someday, ....need a Banana on that Miralce Frosty Flake breakfast

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    DD you always use fear and hell and the other junk you have been taught and weirdly enough gulped down.

    Spoken like a JW. Just like the MadJW. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  • designs

    Oh does this mean I get moved up the ladder from the place worse than Hell, geee thanks.

    I should have offered you the Banana earlier

  • Soldier77

    thanks for the links.


    The guy lists JWs as a cult and then quotes from one of the real Wack Jobs of Fundamentalists Cultdom- Walter Martin.

    Who do you reccommend that the author quote? Walter Martin wrote the definitive book on the cults (Kingdom of the Cults), along with others books focusing on the JWs and LDS Church. Even now, 21 years after his death, Walter Martin's books are must haves for any serious student of countercult apologetics. So if you know someone better qualified, and better yet, qualified and atheist, I am all ears!

    How come a guy like this can't see that he is still in a Cult: Evangelical/Fundamentalist Western Christianity

    You are woefully ignorant of what a cult is, or better yet you too are caught up in the cult of the neo-atheists (Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennett & Harris).

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