...last night I had a conversation with mom about being inactive. I knew it was coming since I haven't seen them for a little while and they came to visit for a few weeks. Well, last night was the meeting... and of course, her husband goes, she doesn't (due to abuse in her childhood involving SRA within the KH in another country), and asked if I was going. I told her "no" and left it at that. She then goes on to say, "you haven't been going lately have you?" I said, nope, and kept it short. She then goes into a big ole shpeel about "it being the truth" and "don't you believe in the truth" etc. I told her straight, I know the truth and what it is." She goes on to tell me that I am affecting my spirituality for not going to the meetings, I told her, excuse me, my spirituality has nothing to do with going to the meetings anymore. In fact, knowing what I know now I have a better relationship with (my) god." (parenthesis my thoughts not said)
She was getting worked up and I knew if I didn't do something to diffuse the situation in the next few seconds it was going to be hell during their whole visit. SO I said, "mom, you don't go to the Thursday night meetings, you haven't gone in 15+ years, why is that?" (She goes into the reason of her abuse and mistrust of the org). I then say, "well, there you go, I am not going because I am sick of the abuse that this org has done to me throughout the years and I'm looking out for my health. It is my choice to avoid the hypocrisy and lies that are flowing out of the KH's doors. Not to mention the shit that it's put you through and the rest of our family."
I asked her if she understands where I'm coming from. She agreed she does, then says, you know you don't need to have my approval of your decision to not go, it's between you and Jehovah. I told her, I'm not asking for your approval, I just want to make sure you understand my position. That shut her down and she nodded and was extremely pleasent with me for the rest of the night.
Now I wonder what she's told her husband and what his reaction and further questioning this is going to lead into. I'm so sick of the fact that she lives in denial, she's been through hell and back her whole life as a witness and she refuses to see it for what it is.
Oh yeah, I'm also waiting to get hounded by the elders since her husband went and of course they are going to or did ask where I've been lately. Leave me the f**k alone bitches!
ok...venting over.