I like your new line A&W!!
I've been labelled an apostate over Paedophile scandal - official
by James_Slash 27 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I got a letter similar to that. basically she said that when I complain on facebook that the school receptionist who is a JW yelled at my daughter and made her cry, that I am making the witnesses llok bad. hmmm I thought that the school receptionist made herself look bad. I just made a comment about it.
You are not allowed to talk about the elephant in the room.
There is always going to be ingrained protectionism with JWS, thats they way they have been programed by
the WTS. We had a JW apologist come here recently by the name of Alice in Wonderland who stood fast and supportive of the JWS.
She could not get around the fact when there is an individual who has been identified as being a pedophile, that you don't just
DF that person and not report the incident to the authorities, letting the person run freely out into the open public.
The consequences in doing so could prove regrettably dangerous to the community where this individual lives.
"This is my new line: "You know when Jesus exposed lies and hypocrisy he was murdered, I guess I should be grateful all I get is name calling and shunning..."
"I like your new line A&W!!..."
Like Desert Rat said...
I also like your new line, Awake&Watching!!! I'm a'gonna USE it, too!!!
Awake & Watching said:
This is my new line: "You know when Jesus exposed lies and hypocrisy he was murdered, I guess I should be grateful all I get is name calling and shunning."
JAMES- ANY JW who is on your facebook may have snitched on you. Since I've been out almost 7 years from attending meetings- I continue to be amazed of just WHO of my former JW associates has badmouthed me to others. This is typical behavior of JW's under the influence of cult mind control. Don't let it surprise you TOO much. I'd be careful to include too many JW's on your facebook, if ANY for that matter. They are trained to make excuses for ANY negative things happening in their organization. That's why the org. is so corrupt. Sorry this happened to you. Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
"It IS a BIG SECRET kept from the average Jehovah's Witness!!! "
This is so true! I never heard about the pedophilia until I saw it on Dateline! And other than on ex JW sites, had never heard it spoken of. When it was on Dateline I'm sure the average JW didn't believe it, brushing it off as "apostate lies."
When that special aired in...2000 (I think?), my congregation mysteriously had a last-minute special needs talk scheduled for that night. They actually called people around dinnertime to remind us to be there, and then they informally but forcefully invited everyone to an "ice cream night" after the meeting to make sure no one caught the tail end of it at home.
Paranoid much?
(And the talk was about -- you guessed it -- only listening to information from approved, official channels.)
Hiding Questioner
"I never heard about the pedophilia until I saw it on Dateline!"
After that aired on NBC I fully expected that, at the next Thur night meeting, they would have for us an "official" letter of explanation from the Borg or some guidance as to how to, at a minimum, respond to this bad press when out in service let alone how to understand this issue for ourselves. To my surprise nothing at that meeting nor any meeting to follow. Not a word was said and has been said! I was in shocK and I felt so sorry for the poor Pioneers who had to go door to door after this news with nothing to say in honest rebuttal.
Think About It
When that special aired in...2000 (I think?), my congregation mysteriously had a last-minute special needs talk scheduled for that night. They actually called people around dinnertime to remind us to be there, and then they informally but forcefully invited everyone to an "ice cream night" after the meeting to make sure no one caught the tail end of it at home.
Paranoid much?
(And the talk was about -- you guessed it -- only listening to information from approved, official channels.)
WOW.......simply amazing the lengths the cult will go to control what info the membership hears. I was out of the org. by the time this scandal hit, but no doubt the JW pedophile issue became the white elephant in the room that nobody was allowed to talk about after the Dateline expose.
Think About It
Am I not entitled to make an opinion on something which has become a major problem? The issues arising via child protection is no secret - there isn't one in the organisation and many children are put at risk. How does this make me or anyone else an apostate?
No, you are not. Witnesses will say all day long that the organization makes mistakes, but don't you dare bring one up.
They will say men are imperfect, but don't hold your breath waiting for them to reverse a mistake in policy, apologize for changed doctrine or to reverse a bad disfellowshiping.
To question ANY degree of strictness is to be considered disloyal.
Trust me on this one, just went through it.