For years the WT has claimed that only 20 Billion people have ever lived on the earth- In 1988 they claimed that there would be 1/3 hectare of every person who ever lived, which they said was enough to grow all the food that was needed. A more realistic number by the Population Reference Bureau is over 100 billion. Life in the WT Utopia would resemble living in third world slums with just one bowl of food a day. JWs need to realize that this WT "Paradise Earth" dogma is just a made up pie-in-the sky teaching that is used to keep JW's in line. No Bible scripture can be found to back up their fantasy, either. Why, JWs will allow their loved ones to die by forbidding a blood transfusion in order to insure their loved ones gets a resurrection back to the New Earth. in essence they are killing them over a lie.
JW's need to wake up and smell the coffee- there ain't gonna be no such reward for JW's, no big empty mansions to move into, no hammock under the palm trees with sweetened iced tea to drink, no perfect family and kids for the 70 year old single lifer pioneer sister. 100 billion people leaves no room for the pet tigers, lions or elephants, either.