I just got "The spanking room: A child's eye view of the Jehovah's witnesses", by William Coburn. The author says that their old kingdom hall didn't have a spanking room, so the spanking took place in the ladies' room. There was always a line, either for ladies wanting to make use of the toilet the way it was intended to be used, or for ladies waiting their turn to spank their children. Some people complained that they missed the meeting because they couldn't hear much when waiting to spank their children, or once they were in the bathroom in the spanking. So, when they got a new kingdom hall, they solved two problems: one, they built a room for the specific purpose of spanking; two, they extended the sound system into the new room, so the mothers wouldn't miss the meeting during the spanking.
It gave me the goosebumps to even think of what those children had to go through when waiting to be spanked. I never imagined that an organization that calls itself religious would actually plan for a place for the spankings to take place. But it is even worse to think that some refined sadist would think of extending the sound system into the spanking room. It was conceivably possible for a mother to hear things such as "Love thy neighbor" or "turn the other cheek" at the same time she was spanking the child.
It's not like I was never spanked by my worldly parents. I grew up in a place where spanking was common, and sometimes brutal. But we never ever would have even conceived a Catholic building with a room built for the purpose of spanking a child because he cries or gets bored during the mass. We would complain about mothers who took their children to mass knowing full well they interrupt the service. Perhaps we would have complained about ill-behaved children, but we would never suggest building a special room for spanking.
Now that spanking has been made illegal in many countries, do Jehovah's witness still spank their children? Isn't it sad, and perhaps revealing, that Jehovah's witness children can now complain about beatings not thanks to the organization, but in spite of it and thanks to the worldlies?