Do you leave a good few hours between eating your last meal and going to bed? With you saying you're worse in the morning when you get up, maybe you're not giving your evening meal enough time to digest beyond your stomach? Scully may know the right answer - I think they suggest at least 3 hours before going to bed.
Strangely, the opposite might be true too - if you're leaving too long between your last meal and breakfast, your blood sugars might be dropping too low, make your last meal a slow release carbohydrate rich one, as this will help keep your blood sugars more stable through the night.
Now, daft as it sounds, you might also be subconciously stressing about feeling sick too! Which won't help - try self-talking yourself into not being/feeling sick, occupy your mind with something else.
as others said, ginger is really good for nausea. If you can, try and get hold of some 'stem ginger' (it might be called something different where you are!) I think its caramelised or softened ginger root - so it gives you something to chew on rather than just swallowing staraight down - gives the whole of your digestive system, including your salivary glands a kick start :)
Another thing to try is a copper studded pressure point bracelet - often used by expectant mothers suffering morning sickness! Not sure about how effective these are though.
Hope that the answers/suggestions on this thread will help and that you feel well soon :)