that OJ Simpson preferred Bruno Maglis.
If the shoe fits...
by snowbird 59 Replies latest social family
that OJ Simpson preferred Bruno Maglis.
If the shoe fits...
... the jury acquits.
I'm wearing some grayish black Bruno's as I type!
Sybaritic, hedonistic, bloviating red dot!
Syl you expanded my vocab today! Being sybaritic and hedonistic isn't too bad, if in moderation.
We got our 2 yr old G son hiking boots, cargo shorts and a shooting jacket with 6 pockets. Plenty of room for "canny".
PS. Crocs are now cool. Jack Nicholson wears them.
Crocs are now cool. Jack Nicholson wears them.
He's also a Laker's fan...
No accounting for taste in some people...
Check out the shoes! This was last October... Bailey has grown since then... I posted a current pic of her a week or two ago...
When I have to go out into the yard, it's crocs (knockoffs). When I feel to lazy to pull on boots before pulling up weeds, it's crocs. And they work just fine for rolling around the lot on a lawn tractor.
Anyone remember Keds?
Keds and PF Flyers!