How Do You Deal With Stress??

by JerryTX 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • JerryTX

    What do you do when you're being blindsided from seemingly every direction and you're drowning in stress? What do you personally do to counteract it?

    Reading Joelbear's latest post ("Joelbear Needs to Calm Down")reminded me of what it was like when first exiting the Watchtower. Having multiple servings of stress on your plate (family, religious, mental health, physical health job) all at the same time can cause that feeling of being overwhelmed. What do you do when stress is all you seemingly feel?

  • NameWithheld2

    Remove one or more items that is causing stress. Failing that, readjust your attitude regarding how you react to the item(s) causing stress. By that I mean you may have to take an 'uncaring' attitude towards something, I.E. stop fretting over things that are not under your control. Needless to say this is a very hard thing to do.

    Failing that - drink till you drop! (Just kidding on the last one!)

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    When you find a good answer, Jerry, please share it with us. The only thing I've found that helps at all is to have a good bellylaugh at the absurdity of life.

  • Ranchette

    The suggestion to remove stressers if possible is good but is not always possible.

    What I have found is that I don't function well when I am overwhelmed and I doubt anyone else does either.

    Try not to dwell about it all at once because you can't do but one or two things at a time anyway.
    Make a list and handle the most important solvable problem first and work your way down from there.
    Anything you are stressed out or worried about ask your self "Is there any thing I can do about this situation?"
    If you cannot or if it's not your problem to solve anyway push it out of your mind and only deal with the things you have power and control over.
    Also try not think in circles because it drives you crazy and makes things worse.Look for a solution or let it go.

    There is also something to be said for unplugging or escape.
    This is good as long as it is not abused causing your problems to become worse.

    Relaxing music- I like Enya when I am stressed out.
    A walk
    A day off only for yourself so you can regroup and come back more productive.
    A good stiff drink
    read a book

  • Mum

    It's very important to have a support system. People exiting the org have none. Therefore, one must be created by going to al-anon meetings or joining some other self-help group. I think reading self-help books helps. My favorite is still "Your Erroneous Zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer.

    Physical activity also helps. Use the crisis call line if needed. Ask for help. Don't be too proud to show your vulnerability; most people are sympathetic and want to help.

    Best wishes to all who are in stressful situations,


    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • ashitaka

    Fixate on something good in your life, and give a big middle finger to the rest of it. Put only THE most important thing in your life first. Take the one thing you can't live without and concentrate on it. You find direction that way I think.

    I've coped just fine, but I'm an asshole when people try to screw me. I don't get sad, just furious.

    I was thinking about Joel's post too.


  • JerryTX

    When I first exited the WT, getting a good night's sleep was impossible for a long time. I'd go to bed around 10:00, fall asleep around 12:30, and wake up at 3:30 unable to fall back asleep. The days stretched into weeks, into months, and into years.

    I tried martini's before bed, over the counter sleeping pills, finally prescription sleeping pills. They weren't any good as you'd feel like a drowsy zombie the rest of the day. Finally I began reading about hypnosis, meditation. Since it was my own thoughts that were keeping me in a high-stress mindset, I knew I had to get control of them. A couple of cd's with guided hypnosis, guided meditation, worked better than anything to finally stop the cycle of insomnia.

    Ash, you're right about concentrating on the good things in your life.
    At that time, that was my career, and I made myself into a really good court reporter, one of the best at the firm. It really paid off.

    Mum, I really like Wayne Dyer. Saw his seminar on Public Television at least twice. Going to the gym helps burn the stress off for me too.

    Ranchette, you like music to relax? Ha! You should see my collection. I must have over 400 cd's by now! I should quit, but I'm addicted to music, all kinds. Especially jazz and new age, and Enya.


    "The truth will set you free--but first it will make you damn mad."

    M. Scott Peck - "The Different Drum"

  • ISP

    I play squash and video games! So far so good. Stress is not to be ignored though. If its getting to you...I would take a break. A weekend away or longer.


  • julien

    I agree with Jerry: relaxation, meditation, listening to music you are passionate about are all helpful. A few have mentioned Wayne Dyer; I have also read Erroneous Zones and found it quite helpful.

  • David Gladden
    David Gladden


    If that doesn't work, have your dentist pull a tooth so you can get some Vicodin.

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