I think most of those that are not talking to disfellowshipped friends and relatives would continue with the shunning practice out of pride and spite. Over the years, it seems to me that most JW's are less concerned about Jehovah's will or how he feels than they are about their own feelings of personal superiority or righteous indignation toward the disfellowshipped one. I call it the "How Dare You!" factor.
When our son was DF'd and soon after diagnosed with Cancer, along with everyone else, one of our good friends shunned him and us for helping him, even when he was in intensive care. She said "We have to obey Jehovah's loving arrangement. There has to be consequences for our behaviour" About a year later, she cheated on her Elder husband and left him and their two teenage daughters. She still goes to the same hall as they do but didn't get disfellowshipped. She even goes out in service. After breaking up her family she is out showing worldly people, the error of their ways. It's so unbelievable how people can somehow justify things in their minds and can carry out "God's will" beyond what he himself might do.