Please share your thoughts. There are many things in the bible that sound like greek mythologies. I will start and you can add to the list.
A talking walking snake.
Immaculate conception.
Angels having sex with women creating nephilim.
A dove descending upon Jesus after he was babtized.
The transfiguration.
Some dude wrestling with an angel all night.
Jonah being swallowed by a whale and living inside for three days.
A talking burning bush
Aaron throwing down his rod and it became a snake
Striking a rock and having water shoot out
Three hebrews walking around inside a burning furnace with an angel
Manna falling from heaven to eat
People being raised from the dead
Lots wife turning into a pillar of salt
A pillar of fire leading the israelites at night
A star leading the three wisemen at night
Ok your turn. I am sure I have missed some. Please add if you think of any. How come nothing like this stuff happens today? If it did it would more than likely be blamed on satan and his demon hoards.