New report on global warming. 10 indicators tell the same story.

by bohm 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo

    Bonnie_Clyde say:

    It's been warming up ever since the last ice age. I'm glad.

    Tell that to the Russians who are losing their crops to a record breaking heatwave; theAfrican farmers who have died of starvation from persistent droughts; the Indians and Pakistanis; South African Farmers who lost large substantial numbers of their Ostrich livestock to record breaking 122 degree heat earlier this year; dozens who died in Brazil; hundreds who died in Melbourne Australia two years ago; etc, etc..

    And no, it hasn't been getting warmer (or colder) since the last Ice Age. The Climate has simply gone on a roller coaster ride relatively warmer than the previous Ice Age. Duh! That's why they call it the Ice Age.

    Furthermore, that is one of the most meaningless retorts one could come up with. What does it have to do with Humanity making things warmer on it's own, to what may as well be to you, an unlimited degree?

    Just ask yourself, at what point do I stop getting 'warmer' and 'warmer'? If there's no limit to the warmth you like, perhaps we can accommodate you to the ultimate vacation spot for "skeptics",


  • Pistoff

    Hopeless, Villabolo; anti-warming is a religion.


  • villabolo

    W.A.C. says:

    The world has warmed before ... before our pollutants ... it's a cycle ... happens who knows how many thousands of years. Next debate?

    Ahh yes WAC. So high above it all like your Avatar implies. But, like the entity it represents, so ignorant of Creation.


  • villabolo

    Pistoff says: Hopeless, Villabolo; anti-warming is a religion.

    Indeed. I've been posting on wattsupwiththat (and recently 'disfellowshipped' from the site). Yeap, that experience and, of course, that with our beloved former "Mama" in Bitchtower land has taught me what hopeless is.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I pointed you to that website to show that not all scientists are in agreement. One thing is for sure--at any one time the earth is either warming, cooling or staying the same.

    BTW, what was the weather like in Russia during the 30's? Or in the rest of the world? I know one thing. Lots of Americans lost their crops due to the heatwaves in the 30's, and lots of people lost their lives.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    I got your global warming right here

  • WTWizard

    The earth is in fact getting warmer. And so is Mars and Neptune--and the last I knew, carbon dioxide from my Christmas lights or your driving 46 MPH instead of 45 is not reaching either Mars or Neptune.

  • villabolo

    Bonnie_Clyde said:

    "I pointed you to that website to show that not all scientists are in agreement. One thing is for sure--at any one time the earth is either warming, cooling or staying the same."

    Sorry, but your attempt to water down the issue by referring to false, propagandistic claims such as "In the 1970's scientists said the Earth was cooling" has no relevance to the reality of Global Warming.

    Back in the 1970's the most sophisticated evidence from satellites was a few years away. Evidence that measured the temperatures throughout the Earth and the thickness of the ice. Even before such sophisticated evidence came about here was more than enough so that 85% believed that it was inevitable that Global Warming would resume. It started to around 1979.

    The present amount of evidence is such that 97 1/2 % of all Climatologists agree that there is Man Made Global Warming. The rest are religious fundamentalists or mindless ultra conservative ideologues who will simply die out in due time.

    As far as different portions of the Earth cooling, warming or staying the same at any one time is concerned what is really annoying about the issue is how the MOST FUNDAMENTAL POINT IS NEVER GRASPED.

    GLOBAL WARMING refers to what is happening to the GLOBE IN ITS ENTIRETY. Which means you take averages of ALL the temperatures throughout the GLOBE. Your statement is classic cherry picking conceived of by those who simply cannot see the Whole but only fragmented Parts. It's like the old saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees."


  • villabolo

    WTWizard says:

    The earth is in fact getting warmer. And so is Mars and Neptune--and the last I knew, carbon dioxide from my Christmas lights or your driving 46 MPH instead of 45 is not reaching either Mars or Neptune.

    A chapter in the book of Urban Legends should be dedicated to the delusion of the ever warming planets. I've been hearing this one since the 1970s. It's kind of like Bat Boy TM from the National Enquirer. He never ages.

    So in view of the Sun having been quiet since the 1970's, and having started one of its minor cooling phases several years ago, could you please tell me how those Planets are . . . Excuse me, I think Bat Boy TM is knocking at my door.


  • jwfacts

    I would rather warming than an iceage.

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