It seems to me that what we've come to know about god doesn't exactly fit with someone who is loving. First of all he's jealous but then why the surprise in the Cain and Abel story? Abel was a shepard of sheep and Cain was a farmer. god looked in favor at Abel but not Cain. Why? What did Abel really do besides let the animals do what they would've done (or reproduce) and then gather them together in a particular place? What is so god non-damned amazing about that? Cain actually had to put more work into producing fine fruit out of the cursed ground that god himself cursed. And at that point the vegetation served as food so why is it that if a person were to take an even more living thing like an animal and kill it, then it was acceptible to god? Did anyone ask the animal if they wanted to cease to exsist? PETA would've had a field day back then. He then asks Cain what he has done regarding murdering his brother, as if he didn't know that praising one over the other would result in this very thing. Hell he experienced it before with Satan. This seems sdrawkcab to me.
All this talk of unity within the cong seems futile when weighed against the tower of Babel story. What really could man have done at that tower? Even if they managed to get around the thinner air the higher they went issue, there's still the issue of regardless of how high they went they would never reach their goal of building it "to the heavens" or at least not to where god supposedly resides. Why then take issue enough to scramble the speech of people thus making it harder to communicate and spread the good news of the kingdom? This too is sdrawkcab.
Bible Satan actually told the truth about the tree of knowledge of good and bad. Untested we would not have known what bad was and therefore couldn't know what good was. It comes back to the not knowing what something is until you know what it's not saying. Also, why would you name a tree "The Tree of Life" if it bought about death to those who ate from it? Even if I were to say that the fruit itself wasn't harmful and that it was the principle of the thing, still "tree of life" is misleading. It's like that scene in Saw II where the word "EXIT" is painted on a door and when the guy tests the vaildity of the statement, they don't get through the door.
I mean, who is commanding worship? Who flips the script at the last second and says do as I say not as I do? Who has allowed people to get so convaluted in their thinking that multiple religions have stemmed from it (although this is something he wantsto/is gonna fix)? Who offs a few teenagers because they were stating the obvious about the prophet? He was bald and he was going up on a mountain. Who likewise for the same reason whacks a whole colliseum full of perpatrators and innocent bystanders alike because Samson asked for it to be so? From these I can only contend that god is the lie and Satan is the truth. Who wants to let us do what we want uninhibited? Who doesn't demand worship? If religion is the way out and many believe it is so then this would negate the whole "coming as a thief in the night" thing. Just my take.