Jehovah's Witness Saves House From Devastating Fire

by Bangalore 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    really good story and hope someone would do the same for me. In my view this is the exception rather than the rule though as I know very few JW's that would intervene or have enough common sense to act correctly. In fact I know numerous JW's that have had dodgy wiring put in their houses on the cheap - something that may cause a fire years from now.


  • TheOldHippie

    Very interesting, MMXIV, that you so desperately try to twist even this little newspaper article into something negative, you just couldn't stand the idea of a positive little story about a JW, could you? Amazing .............

  • Bangalore
  • nelly136

    oops contributory negligence. hope that doesnt affect the insurance claim too much

  • InquiryMan

    I do not agree.

    An elder I know got a medal for saving his neighbour in a fire. It was in the front page in the regional newspaper... He said he followed his instincts and just did what everybody would have done in such a situation...

  • InquiryMan

    I do not agree.

    An elder I know got a medal for saving his neighbour in a fire. It was in the front page in the regional newspaper... He said he followed his instincts and just did what everybody would have done in such a situation...

  • GromitSK

    Surely the person's religion is irrelevant?

    Imagine if everytime a someone did a kind or noble act their religious affiliations were mentioned -

    • Roman Catholic helps old lady across road;
    • Atheist donates savings to charity;
    • Muslim fireman risks life to save family in earthquake disaster etc etc

    Maybe is is worthy of mention because it is so unusual to hear of JWs doing something selfless for those outside their religion? Perhaps the person mentioned their religion as an opportunity to market JWs?

    On the other hand - my own experience is that in such matters JWs are a cross-section of society and are not intrinsically individually any less inclined to help others in an emergency or to offer kindness - though I suspect their priorities are influenced by their beliefs and they do isolate themselves to a greater or lesser extent from their neighbours unless there is a chance of conversion. That doesn't mean they haven't done any number of the awful things we read on here but that is this not the same for those of all or no religious persuasions?

    This being a forum populated on the whole by ex-JWs - it surely isn't strange to find the focus on the behaviour of member of this pointless religious sect.

  • nelly136

    A horror weekend for a Tauranga family saw them become victims of both a house fire and a burglary within hours.

    Initial investigations into the fire suggested a Jehovah's Witness man walking past the family's Fraser St, Merivale, house about 2.15pm on Saturday noticed the smoke, broke in and put it out.

    However, that information, which was supplied to the Bay of Plenty Times, was later found to be incorrect.

    Jo Hukatai, who lives at the house, said she and her three children, aged 10, 12 and 15, were at home when the fire broke out.

    The family was doing their weekly bible study with Bjorn and Kelly Morgan.

    Mrs Hukatai was preparing lunch for the group and had put a pot of oil on the stove to cook chicken nuggets.

    She then moved to the bedroom, where she was when she heard Brother Morgan calling to her.

    "He came down the passageway and he said, 'Jo, there's smoke'.

    "When he stood there I could see the orange on his face, he went over to the oven and switched it off at the mains," she said.

    By the time the pair left the kitchen, Mrs Hukatai said the smoke was so thick she could not see Mr Morgan from the waist up. "He just said 'get everybody out'."

    Mr Morgan grabbed a towel, which was being used as a draught-stop in the house, to smother the blaze.

    Mrs Hukatai called 111 before following her children and Mr and Mrs Morgan outside.

    Mrs Hukatai said her children were most concerned about their cat, which Mr Morgan went back inside to rescue.

    the jw aspect aside, cos its just a chip pan fire turned into a bit of sensationalism.

    its nice he had the sense to know how to deal with a chip pan fire. but its also common sense not to leave pans of hot fat unattended in the first place.

    the rest reads like extra bad luck or an insurance bump. but that could just be the way its worded in the reporting, and sometimes its human nature to make the best of a bad situation.

  • nelly136

    retyping the bit that got wiped when i hit the send button.

    religion aspect aside, its just a chip pan fire story.

    its nice he knew how to deal with a chip pan fire, its basic common sense not to leave pans of hot fat unattended.

    the rest of the story sounds like extra bad luck or an insurance bump, but that could just be the way its worded in the report and its sometimes human nature to make the most of a bad situation

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