I guess they think I'm ripe for the pickings.
Elders Who Saw Me Say I've Changed & I'm No Longer "Arrogant"
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
Those who are truly concerned about you and continue to be a part of your life probably would not say that you are no longer arrogant. So what do a bunch of elders know?
I hardly know you but read many of your comments. I would never say you are no longer arrogant.
Ditto 4 u, OTWO
Yeah, have them read your postings here.
That should disabuse them of that notion.
Kidding! Relax.
Sir, I like you. No ditto 4 u.
Nathan Natas
Oh, look at Minimus, getting all puffed-up about how un-arrogant he is!
It's always nice to get pointless opinions from people who are talking out of their butts.
Makes me wonder if they ever really knew the real dotty you.
Here's Minimus being 'arrogant' - er, "dotty"...
At least he can dance!!
What, did the "dancing red dot" render you speechless, Nathan Natas???