irrefutable proof of a chemical and clandestine operation that a bold pilot offers to the public in order to demonstrate that chemtrails are real
by What-A-Coincidence 17 Replies latest jw friends
Do you know anything about fluid dynamics, shock compression, or vapor pressure and condensation?
Only when I eat at Taco Bell. But do you know anything about how the governent tests chemicals on civilians?
'Millions exposed' in 1960s experiments Radioactive gas was flung from Harwell During the early 1960s millions of people were exposed to clouds of radioactive xenon gas from the Harwell Nuclear Research Establishment, the BBC has discovered.
Millions were in germ war tests Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials The Ministry of Defence turned large parts of the country into a giant laboratory to conduct a series of secret germ warfare tests on the public.,6903,688089,00.html
Porton Down used soldiers for Sarin gas tests in 1983 Servicemen were experimented on with Sarin, the deadly nerve gas, as late as 1983 at the Government's defence research centre at Porton Down, documents seen by The Telegraph reveal.
Records: U.S. did open-air biological, chemical weapons tests in Florida Associated Press 10/08/02: Matt Kelley Original Link:
The United States held open-air biological and chemical weapons tests in at least four states - Alaska, Hawaii, Maryland and Florida - during the 1960s in an effort to develop defenses against such weapons, according to Pentagon documents.
US admits chemical weapons tests BBC 10/10/02 Original Link: Pentagon has published previously secret information revealing that it carried out more extensive tests of chemical and biological warfare agents than had previously been thought. planes sprayed Wiltshire with Sarin London Times 10/10/02: Chris Ayres and Michael Evans Original Link:,,2-441704,00.html
CROPDUSTER aircraft flown by British and US military personnel sprayed deadly chemical weapons, including Sarin and VX, over the Wiltshire countryside in the late 1960s. News of the tests is broken in declassified documents released this week by the Pentagon.
Vaccinia/Rabies Wildlife Bait Dropped From The Sky Chem, bio tests involved U.S. troops The USS George Eastman decontaminates after a nuclear test. The ship was used to monitor nuclear tests in the 1950s and for chemical and biological warfare tests in the '60s. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon revealed for the first time Thursday that almost 3,000 U.S. military personnel were involved in Cold War-era tests involving actual chemical and biological agents.
Sailors: 'We were used' Vets exposed to toxic agents want answers, justice When Navy veteran Jim Brocklebank served as a radioman on the USS Power in the 1960s, he was intrigued by civilians in masks and body suits doing tests on his destroyer.!NEWSROOM/localstoryA42276A.htm
Sailors Skeptical of Chemical Tests confirms Cold War program "Our government poisoned us," said Cast, who suffers chronic respiratory problems. "They should have given us a chance to opt out or tell us when we were doing (the testing)." Sprayed With Nerve Gas in Cold War Test, Pentagon Says Program Promotes Psychopharmacological Warfare In The Futurological Congress (1971), Polish writer Stanislaw Lem portrayed a future in which disobedience is controlled with hypothetical mind-altering chemicals dubbed "benignimizers". Lem's fictional work opens with the frightening story of a police and military biochemical attack on protesters outside of an international scientific convention. As the environment becomes saturated with hallucinogenic agents, in Lem's tale the protesters (and bystanders) descend into chaos, overcome by delusions and feelings of complacency, self-doubt, and even love. U.S. Government's Secret Testing of Radioactive, Chemical and Biological Weapons on Humans. As we travel through a period of increasing government secrecy, it is worth taking a second look at these books that document secret U.S. government radioactive, chemical and biological weapons testing on U.S. citizens. conducted open-air tests of biological, chemical arms The United States secretly tested chemical and biological weapons on American soil during the 1960s, newly declassified Pentagon reports show. Strands Fill Skies Over Texas City GALVESTON, Texas (AP) _ Galveston residents are still trying to figure out what caused the skies over their coastal city to literally be filled on Friday with floating strands of wads that looked like spider webs.
The Biowarriors Richard Sanders, November 7, 2001 On dozens of separate occasions since the Second World War, biological weapons have been used against innocent U.S. civilians. These actions were perpetrated not by foreign terrorists but by the U.S. Army during secret "open-air" biowarfare experiments that used the American public as guinea pigs. MUSHROOM POLICY HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION
Keep them in the dark and feed them b.s. I want to believe my government is good. However too often what we want to believe proves to be fantasy. 1994 Rockefeller Report Examining Biological Experimentation on U.S. Military During the last few years, the public has become aware of several examples where U.S. Government researchers intentionally exposed Americans to potentially dangerous substances without their knowledge or consent. of Chemical Arms Puts Fear in Wind Aerial Spraying Tests Panic, Anger Florida Keys Residents Microbes and Mock Attacks - 51 Years Ago, The Military Sprayed Germs on U.S. Cities WARFARE
The Hall of Shame The United States has a long history of experimentation, on unwitting human subjects, which goes back to the beginning of this century. Both private firms and the military have used unknowing human populations to test various theories. However, the extent to which human experimentation has been a part of the U.S. Biological Weapons programs will probably never be known. Yourself from Occult Biowarfare In this bizarre real-life crypto-medical mystery, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, author of "Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola -- Nature, Accident or Intentional" (1996) continues his exploration of the origin and meaning of contemporary diseases -- many of them seemingly artificially created, man-made pathogens for population control produced by Illuminati-sponsored scientists who carry on the genocidal Nazi legacy. JAMMED AS BANNED PESTICIDE IS SPRAYED FROM THE SKIES This The NWO's own secret bioweapons program As the controversy rages on over how long the United Nations should continue weapons inspections in Iraq, questions are being raised about the NWO's own stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and new clandestine weapons programs. Activists and scientists are calling for weapons inspections in the United States. giant paid students to drink pesticide London Sunday Times 01/12/03: Lois Rogers Original Link:,,2087-540016,00.html
ONE of the world's biggest chemical companies faces an inquiry after it was found to have used students to test a highly hazardous pesticide linked to serious disorders.****************************************************************************** *******
Now that we know that such deliberate spraying and experimentation have gone on unhindered for decades, we can look at some of the best sources on the internet for chemtrail information:
CHEMTRAILS DATA AEROSOL OPERATION CRIMES & COVER-UP WATCHAre BioWarfare weapons being tested on the population, is it a form of vaccination, or population control? - or is it Mass Paranoia? Research the information and draw your own conclusions! Data Page Illness Mycoplasma Links CHEMTRAILS - ISLE OF MAN CHEMTRAILS AFFECTING THE ISLE OF MAN AND IRISH SEA AREA OF THE BRITISH ISLES
MICHIGAN CONTRAILS AND CHEMTRAILS EVIDENCE 'THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST CHEMTRAILS' ARTICLES Chemtrails Over Santa Barbara outlaw The government says they don't exist, but Kucinich wants Congress to take action
Space Preservation Act of 2001 (Introduced in House) Kucinich's HR 2977Names Chemtrails As An 'Exotic Weapon' Admits Chemtrails Are Real After years of denial from government, military, and environmental agencies, the reality of the controversial issue regarding the covert programs known as Chemtrails has been acknowledged.
CONGRESSMAN ACKNOWLEDGES CHEMTRAILS Delivery System For Dept. of Defense's Toxic Cocktails Campaign Adds To Air Force Woes Said Behind Up To Four Different Chemtrail Programs Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails A Field Guide to Chemtrails Skies: The Chemtrail Mystery Jet Trails in the Sky Used to Disappear. Now they Linger
Chemtrails over America - Let US Spray!! -
THE SKY OVER DENVER Saturday, July 31, 2010
I would like to know if Obama is aware of this and if he's is going to do anything about it. also who is in charge of all the spraying are all the countries around the world in agreement with this thing?
What diseases are they spraying out now? Something to do with mental illness and paranoia?
BTW - this would be easy for any ATP (aircraft mechanic) to prove - there would have to be a separate tank to spray it out and that would be plainly visible during maintenance. (note that mixing it with the fuel is not a viable theory because the fuel gets burned in the engine, and the raw fuel would likely interact with the "substance" to be distributed)
No aircraft has such aerosol tanks or dry bins except crop dusters.
Also, if you think about it, spraying small amounts at 30,000 feet and 500 mph is not going to distribute enough of anything to have any measurable effects.
There goes JWoods, partypooper, again.
Spoiling a perfectly good conspiracy theory with reasonable conclusions.
Or...maybe.....every airplane mechanic in the country is in on it well as airplane manufacturers & engineers who have constructed "stealth" tanks for the well as chemical engineers who can produce the substances....and the truck drivers who deliver it.....
Shoot, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure all 300 million Americans are in on it....
There goes JWoods, partypooper, again.
Spoiling a perfectly good conspiracy theory with reasonable conclusions.
Sorry, it is sort of a second hobby with me. And it had been so long since we had a 9/11 truther conspriracy thread -
Also, if you think about it, spraying small amounts at 30,000 feet and 500 mph is not going to distribute enough of anything to have any measurable effects.
A year or so ago a 777 lost an engine on takeoff from Seatac. He dumped the whole fuel load over Puget Sound at relatively low altitude so that he could turn around and land. Nobody even noticed the fuel.
Yes. We needed a new conspiracy thread. JeffT is easy fodder so it's cool unlike bigtex.