Its just another display of exploitation by the church.
This JW spokesman says the WTS has insurance for construction sites, the reality is they probably have insurance against property damage
while the construction site is on going ( Liability Insurance ) but do they have personal injury insurance for the workers on these sites ?
What would happen if a person dies while working on these sites and that individual has a family to support ?
What I can remember from working on an Assembly Hall and one Kingdom Hall is there were many untrained or little trained people doing jobs
that they shouldn't have been doing, putting themselves and a whole lot of others at risk.
This man will have government sponsored health insurance to cover his medical costs.
Another problem is that on a non-JWS work site, there are plenty of professionally trained people who can spot trouble especially setting up and
operating heavy lifting ( crane work ) . How many specially trained workers in this specialized field were there at the time of this incident ?