We haven't been to meetings for a few months and weren't aware of the CO visit until we received a phone call an hour and a half before the meeting letting us know. No one came to visit us so far this week, not that I'm complaining. Does the CO usually stop by in service? I've never had the CO over or a sheperding call, so I wasn't sure what usually happens.
Does the CO visit inactive ones during his visit?
by NiceDream 15 Replies latest jw friends
When I was pioneering where the need was great back in the 60s and early 70s, I saw only one CO do this out of about 4. And I worked with them in service every day for the whole week because we were such a small congregation.
I guess it mostly depends on the CO in question. Maybe things are different after all these years.
Depends on the CO.
Our current one hates shepherding calls and chastises the elders for setting them up for him.
Other ones have seemed to enjoy it.
It also depends on the local BOE - if they view you as "salvageable", they might try to set up a visit. If they've given up on you, you should have a peaceful week.
I agree that it varies with the CO; we went 10 years before the CO tried to call on us...we were busy. The elders are directed to call on inactive jws at least once a year, but many don't do it.
It also depends on the local BOE - if they view you as "salvageable", they might try to set up a visit. If they've given up on you, you should have a peaceful week.
That was my experience, back when I was in. Also, if you actually know the CO, then it might result in their being more "helpful".
Once you've missed two or three CO visits in a row, you're pretty much forgotten about and no one bothers to arrange anything. So if you can make it through this one and at least one or two more, you should be free and clear.
Circuit Overseers definitely make it a point to visit publishers who are either inactive or cannot attend meetings due to ill health or are in nursing homes. The COs provide training to local elders on how to make encouraging shepherding calls. The CO usually instruct the elders to use the section of the Reasoning Book entitled "Encouragment." The WTBS is making a concerted effort in contacting inactive publishers.
Interesting! My parents were friends with the CO and his wife 20 years ago when we were in the same congregation. But we've all fizzled out in our meeting attendance. Most of my parents friends are no longer witnesses, even the guy who studied with them and his parents aren't anymore. That was eye opening for me.
This CO doesn't seem to remember me, which is good. I was very young when I knew them.
My experience was it depended on the CO and the BOE. The BOE would recommend a visit and most CO will accommodate.
troubled mind
Highly doubtful ......In the past four yrs not once has a CO attempted a visit to our family . The Elders only recently came by for a visit and their agenda
was not to encourage ,but to interrogate to find out if we were celebrating holidays and to question me about negative you tube videos I had on my account .
I am with Troubled Mind. It is the elders in the local congregation that are supposed to visit inactive ones and they often don't do a good job of it. The C.O. can ask to see anyone but often goes to where the local elders steer him toward. The local elders tend to steer toward "promising students" or inactive ones who are infirm or otherwise still believers and just need encouragement.
If the elders steer the C.O. toward a troublesome person (like myself), it might make the elders seem like they don't know how to handle the matter themselves. It's only happened once with me, but the typical scenario is for the elders to attempt to visit the "faders" and "doubters" before the C.O. visit so they can say they tried to help that person already. They can say the person received them favorably or not, but there really is no point in the C.O. visiting them.