What do you make of this recent article by George Chryssides?
Apparently the prophetic failure of Jehovah's Witnesses has been overdone by opponents. Although they have had some unfulfilled expectations, their changing dates "are more largely attributable to changed understandings of biblical chronology than to failed predictions." I'm sorry but that sounds close to meaningless to me. You might as well argue that someone didn't yawn because they were tired, rather they yawned because they opened their mouth and exhaled. He fails to talk about the recent changes to the "generation" teaching or to acknowledge that the change in 1995 was necessary simply because the teaching had run out of time, and the implications of this for his argument. It is also unclear how the article in any way delivers on its title by explaining in what sense "prophecy succeeds" in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses.
It's disappointing because I thought his earlier article about the Witnesses under persecution in Nazi Germany was an important corrective to accusations that the Witnesses were anti-semitic or pro-Nazi in 1933, or that they were responsible for provoking the persecution they subsequently endured.