How many significant trees were there in the Garden of Eden?

by God_Delusion 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • God_Delusion

    Were there one or two trees?

    If you said one; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, you'd be wrong. If, by the magic of chance, you guessed there were two trees; the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and the Tree of Life, you'd be spot on.

    Please open your bibles with me to Genesis chapter 2, verse 9.

    "Thus Jehovah God made to grow out of the ground every tree desirable to one’s sight and good for food and also the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad." - New World (Masonic Alert - Masonic Alert) Translation

    Interesting, isn't it. Now then, we come to the crux of the conundrum. Why oh why, do ALL Christian religions rarely talk about the Tree of Life?

    The answer can be found in the bible. Please turn with me to Genesis chapter 3, verse 22..........

    For those that have read the article, what do you make of it?

    Kind regards,


  • sir82

    This conundrum, and dozens more, are what you get when you take a redacted book of Jewish fables and mythology and treat them as literal, accurate historical journals.

  • designs

    Were there any Real Trees at all in Gan Eden the allegorical tale from Jewish folklore.

  • acolytes

    Actually I think this is a good question,and has far reaching implications to readers of the bible.

    For a J.W the question needs to be asked how can you say Adam was created perfect. He was created in a dying state, or why would he need eat from the tree of life.

    Actually why do say Adam was created perfect. There is not one scripture in the bible that says Adam was created perfect.

    I enjoy reading the creation account because I realise as soon as I find the answer, I need to search for a question that will proove the answer wrong.

    I enjoy creating the questions.


  • Soldier77

    2 trees.

    You bring out a good point, if Adam was created perfect, why did god put in the garden a "Tree of Life™?" He ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad™ first, and was punished by being banished from the garden so they could not eat of the Tree of Life and be like god, immortal.

    So, sounds like a big lab experiment by god doesn't it? If that truly is the case, I mean the bible has been passed down through the centuries passing through hundreds/thousands of translators and scribes... how accurate is the bible? Really.

    Something to think about...

  • ProdigalSon

    The real conundrum is how could Adam be a literal person at all when the evidence clearly indicates that humans have been on this planet at least 75,000 years.... oh, I know, th Flood messed with the evidence...nevermind that it was copied from more than 400 previous flood stories.... and the History and Discovery Channels are run by Satan too.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I think the JW answer is that although Adam was perfect and would not die, he was not immortal.

    After a suitable time to prove his/their loyaly by not eating the tree of good/bad, they would be rewarded by being allowed to eat of the tree of life. They would thus be granted immortality which is of course different from just living forever.

    Crazy maybe, but I remember that from a talk many years ago.


  • acolytes

    Hi St George of England

    And just to clarify my thinking what is Jehovers Witnesses definition of perfect.

    After Adam was created the term very good is used in the bible.

    Going off topic but one thing I have learnt is life does not need to be perfect to be wonderful.


  • Finally-Free

    If Adam and Eve had any brains at all they would have planned the whole thing a lot better. Before eating from the tree of knowledge, they should have picked several bushels of fruit from the tree of life, eaten some, and hidden the rest just outside the garden. Then, once expelled from the garden, they would still have fruit from the tree of life stashed. They could have eaten some and planted the rest. They could have cultivated an orchard of the stuff and sold the fruit in small batches to their descendents for big bucks.


  • pirata

    What I don't get is why they didn't eat from the tree of life first, and then the tree of knowledge second.

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