Few months ago in my country (Eastern Europe) a letter was read in congregation, that the "United in Worship of the only true God" (the blue book people studied as a second book after "You can Live Forever"...) is updated an replaced by another book and all publishers should bring their copies to elders. The reason presented was that brothers (due to efficiency) want to recykle the books ecologicaly (Iam not making this up). It was literally said, that all books should be taken to the KH and not a single copy should be kept home.
When my MIL told us that (we were not going to meetings at that time already with my wife) I told her, that as far as I know brothers do not have any recykling facility and if they do and want to be ecological, they should ask for ALL updatet publications, not just for this book. She was confused, but obediently took her copy and gave it to the elders.
Shortly after we visited a KH in my area and we really saw many used UW books being pilled up in the back of the hall.
Do you have any information on that? We have in my country recently several legal issues with JW, so is it just local problem or something in your area is happening as well with this book?