But those are all still natural things, Terry.
Why would a natural species evolve a belief in the supernatural? Something that, in your opinion, does not exist?
Just to be clear: Nature means what actually exists. "Super" means "beyond". To talk about something "beyond" what actually exists is crazy talk!
What has made humans spectacularly successful as a species is the use of imagination to create what does NOT exist and produce a useful tool.
Sometimes we get a non-useful product from that same imagination.
The room is dark. You are a child. You've heard spooky stories about ghosts and monsters. What does your imagination produce when you hear a strange noise in the dark?
Fear triggers our imagination.
Fear of death gives us both a problem (demons/ghosts, monsters) and a solution (God, spirits, angels).
The brain does it all.
Our job as a SANE species is to know the difference between one form of brain activity (productive) and the other (unproductive).
Do you know how much time we waste thinking, imagining, fearing the WORST?
Sanity is a skill set. We are not all equally good at it.
I see people talking to themselves. The call it praying. They think it is productive. I once thought so too. Now I know it was an over-active non-productive imagination.
Ever see a kitten fighting with an imaginary mouse?