Transfusions and Risk of Heart Attack - News Article Now Circulating in Dubbieland
by palmtree67 22 Replies latest watchtower medical
The WT likes to use red herrings when they talk about blood.
Let's clarify their position: If the choice is death or whole blood, they choose death. If the choice is death or red blood cells, they choose death. If the choice is death or plasma, they choose death.
So, unlike the rest of us, they're not concerned with the best available medical treatment. They're concerned with the best available medical treatment that doesn't include the "components" of blood that Brooklyn has forbidden.
Ya, Outlaw, I got the "maybe" part from the article, too. lol
I was just wondering what our medical people here thought of the article's accuracy.
Married to the Mob
It comes from the daily mail! Reach with a pinch of sailt!
This is probably a major reason for the increased risks after receiving blood: "'Transfusion is a life-saving therapy that has made complex surgical treatment possible. But it also has undesirable effects on the immune system.' ..."
But here's the main reason to HAVE a blood transfusion, in the first place: "Most transfusions involve red blood cells that have been separated from the other components in blood, as they are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body. When a patient loses blood during an operation, they lack sufficient red blood cells to keep the body in the position to make a full recovery. Without red blood cells, organs start to fail and can shut down. ..."
So, you can die on the operating table, or you can have a blood transfusion which will very likely save your life immediately, and which may statistically increase your risks within the next six months to a year...
But you HAVE that extra six months to a year, and it is quite possible that you will be in the 40% - 50% who will NOT suffer any ill effects from the blood transfusion...
And if these medical practices are eliminated or greatly reduced...: "Over the past 50 years, the use of donated red blood cells has extended from catastrophic bleeding into routine surgery. Some experts say this is due to surgeons using 'precautionary' transfusions - when there is no obvious sign of danger, some surgeons use donated blood for the added security that the patient will make a full recovery. ..."
The article also states, "The main sign that blood may be needed is anaemia - a drop in haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying substance in red blood cells. Levels are measured in grammes per decilitre of blood. A healthy man usually has haemoglobin of 13.5 to 17.5 grammes and a woman 11.5 to 15.5g. If haemoglobin levels drop below 5g the risk to a patient dramatically increases. But some surgeons are using transfusion at the hint of anaemia. ..."
This is significant, too...: "Cooper and his team can modify donated blood so that it does not release the harmful molecules during storage. ..."
The end of the article offers these options, and draws this conclusion: "Another option is to switch to autologous blood transfusions: using your own blood instead. patients donate their blood a few days before their operation. Another technique is intraoperative cell salvage, which collects blood lost during surgery. However, many NHS hospitals are not set up for this technique. Despite the concerns, experts still marvel at how transfusions have revolutionised surgery in the past 60 years. Murphy says: 'Transfusion has saved countless lives and, in my opinion, remains one of the miracles of modern medicine.' ..."
I agree with Murphy...
[Now I'm going to check the "replies" and see how many JWs have commented!!!]
Anything from the Daily Mail should be treated like decaying vomit, a bit like the Watchtower really.
Oooo! CantLeave, dish the dirt!!! Please! Why is the "Daily Mail" a poor news source?? I'm not familiar with its background...
Which is the most certain of the two choices?
CHANCE to survive.....with complications?
Life is what gives all other things value.
JW's value obedience to interpretation over life itself!
Pharisees would be proud!