Not that I expect you to respond to actual facts
Salt (table salt):
Ingesting inorganic sodium chloride will result in an accumulation of sodium outside the cell and will pull water from the cells into the extracellular space by virtue of its concentration. In addition, water is withdrawn from the tissues in order to neutralize and suspend this toxic poison and then it is excreted via various routes (skin, kidneys, bowels, etc.). This inorganic mineral is totally unusable by our body and is excreted in the same form that it is ingested without being broken down or utilized. It creates an unnecessary hardship and wastage of energy on the body in general.
Continued use of salt results in a severe condition of the kidneys called “nephritis.” This means that the kidneys are inflamed and weakened due to their work overload and irritation from salt. Ingestion of salt also results in inflammation and swelling of all glands, contributes to constipation and indigestion, and is a factor in many skin diseases. It is in solution and suspended throughout all the fluids of the body which results in extreme irritation, injury and death to billions of cells. The body will regenerate new cells to replace those that have died but this again utilizes a great deal of energy and resources.
Inorganic sodium chloride is not necessary for life. While it is true, the body does require sodium, it is only in the organic form that is usable. We obtain all the sodium that we require from our everyday fare of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Source: High Energy Methods by T.C. Fry volume I page 3-8
The body needs sodium, but in small quantities. We get it from the fruits and vegetables we eat. Good tomatoes taste a little salty. Celery, spinach and dark greens are naturally rich in salt. The sodium that natural foods contain is enough to meet our needs. By adding sea salt to our diet, we are almost certain to take in too much sodium, and this will lead toseveral imbalances. Knowing that the body only requires 500 mg. of sodium per day (and perhaps a little more if we are very active), and that a teaspoon of sea salt contains 1900 mg. of sodium, it is easy to understand how adding sea salt to the diet will create problems, and fast.
Salt kills life, which is why we preserve foods in salt — it prevents living activity from occurring. It is an antibiotic, which means “anti-life.” If you put salt on a fresh cut in your skin, you will be able to feel its effects for yourself. It will burn you. Salt can accumulate in the body. It causes the body to retain water in order to dilute the salt in the tissues, and to prevent harming the cells. Excess salt is deposited at various places in the body, such as on the walls of the arteries. Blood flow is thereby disrupted, and high blood pressure is the result.
Sea salt is not much better than other types of salt. Sea salt is just rock salt diluted by the ocean. The body has no use for it when it can have access to the natural sodium contained in fruits and vegetables. Before the Europeans arrived on this continent, native peoples did not use salt and were in excellent health. Many cultures throughout the world never used salt until the Europeans introduced this poison to them. After salt’s inclusion into their diet, their health progressively deteriorated, although there were several contributing factors to this deterioration.
Animals don’t eat salt, unless they get tempted into licking a salt source somewhere in nature, which rarely happens. Their instinct is better than ours, but not 100% perfect. They can also make mistakes and be fooled by salt. Anyhow, salt licks are rare and most animals never have access to them.
When you stop eating salt, it will take many months for your body to reject it. Some days you may taste salt in your mouth, although you may not have eaten it in weeks. It is another proof that the body is rejecting the salt and not using it. You may urinate more at night for a while, even many months, until the body has rejected all the salt. Complete “desalinization” of the body may take years.
To replace salt, I have come up with a natural seasoning using celery. Simply dehydrate slices of celery (in very large quantities) in a dehydrator or oven (open, at low temperature). When they are completely dried, turn them into a powder using a coffee grinder. This will make a nice, naturally salty seasoning that you can use to replace salt You can do the same with other vegetables to add additional flavor to this seasoning. Dried purple cabbage powder is especially good in salads.