Titus - Ah... I did think that was over the top. Was wondering why you were so mad.
New book "Growing Up A Witness"
by joeleejr44 65 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
other people have had second and more chances here, and other books apart from joels have been boosted here,
i'm sure if joel starts spamming threads like before it will get dealt with, but he has actually started a real thread and done it the right way round
(so far lol....things may change while i'm typing this)
okay, tec.
Nelly - he started this thread after spamming two others and getting warned to start his own thread. I thought perhaps he just didn't know. Didn't realize/remember that he had been warned before.
LOL - this thread is getting really hard to follow ;)
and if the moderators decide to delete him cos he spams multiples threads then i wouldnt dispute that, but as they were understanding with you i would assume that you wouldnt dispute if theyre understanding with him too?
Joe needs to have more common sense on his approach to advertise his book. It makes him look bad when he does not have some good common sense.
**he started this thread after spamming two others and getting warned to start his own thread.**
lol well he did start his own thread, this one, and now its been totally hijacked, poor sod! can't do right for doing wrong eh?
poor sod for not using his good common sense!
well we all show a lack of that sometime eh