Acceptance of foolish notions and unreliable, unprovable, deities, is easy - no pain.
You're kidding, right, dear AK-Jeff (peace to you!)? Indeed, such "acceptance" has led to ENORMOUS pain among mankind. It is probably the greatest SOURCE of such pain. What of those burned at the stake? Or in a fire shower? Or beaten and imprisoned... for their beliefs? You don't even have to look that far, however: simply ask any recently defected JW whether there was no pain.
in the end, it leaves empty wasted, unproductive lives in it's wake.
ALL false belief systems have this result, to a greater or lesser extent, dear one. Including atheism. Ask any victim of extreme communism. But I must assure you that I do not fall in that category, either as to accepting foolish notions... or having an "empty, wasted, unproductive" life. Indeed, MY life is FAR from such... and is yet another reason why I share what I do: love... and gratitude.
By way of PROOF (since you seem to need that), however, I offer that I have spent close to 25 years helping people get... and/or keep... housing. Which, next to food/water, is man's second-most basic need, followed by clothing, then heat. My "clients" have included... and still include... economically poor people, including the disabled, seniors, families, widows, children, orphans, the formerly homeless, the currently homeless and students... as well as the not-so-poor, including university presidents, administrators, and professors, other educators and academics, executives, scientists, police officers, city council members, city officials, and more. I have more certifications than most people in my field and have sat on boards and commissions to help people maintain their housing rights, both as tenants AND as landlords... and have helped solve some pretty important housing conundrums, both on the local and national level. I currently work with attorneys nationwide (including a couple/few who are renowned in the housing industy), and actually give guidance/advice regarding low-income housing rules and regulations to some.
I have traded housing ideas and debated housing law with some of the most notable housing attorneys in the country... and have passed on errors in the interpretation and implementation of California Civil Code sections that related to housing to California Senate committee members. I have travelled out of state numerous times to attend housing-related conferences and conventions (all-expenses paid by my employers), recently to New Orleans, LA. I routinely get letters, cards, and email from people THANKING me... for putting them in housing, saving their housing, finding them housing, helping them pay for their housing, helping them understand and/or enforce their housing rights... or for helping THEM help someone else in this way. It is what I "do"... and I get paid VERY well to do it, so well that my husband and I can even take trips out of the country from time to time.
I own my own home, my car (a Lexus), is paid for. I have a WONDERFUL husband and two fabulous children, both of whom are self-employed and self-sufficient. My son has been honored by the California State Assembly twice, and has recently been nominated for another prestigious award for his work with youth. My daughter is a model with her image in a prestigious mall in Los Angeles, and my husband, a certified paralegal, works for a very prestigious law firm in San Francisco, and is legal assistant to one of the most highly recognized estate planning attorneys in the country (whose clients are senators, California Superior Court judges, highly acclaimed celebrities, and government bureaucrats).
And... I have VERY good friends... who love me, and I them... even some here on this board (greetings to the Nicodemi!)... all of them as a result of my union with Christ.
Now, I did not share all of this to brag, dear AK-Jeff. When you break it all down, it is nothing. No big deal, really. I shared it, however, to show you that serving God and Christ does NOT mean living a reclusive, ascetic life. One only needs do that if one CHOOSES, just as if one CHOSE to be a eunuch. But it does NOT result in an empty, wasted, unproductive life; to the contrary, serving the TRUE God... through Christ... literally gives one's life PURPOSE... far beyond what this world alone has to offer. What purpose? Service. Because contary to all of the false teachings and doctrines that say the Most Holy One of Israel is a God who wishes/demands to BE served... the TRUTH is that He is a God... OF service. His Son PROVED that... by how HE served people... and so taught US how WE are to serve: willingly... and joyfully.
That is WHY my Lord came... and served... and taught us to serve: because THAT is what the Most Holy One of Israel will do when He becomes all things to all: serve. He TRIED to do that for Israel. And all He asked in return was they be a people WORTHY of His service... by serving one another. But they repeatedly failed to grasp this truth; to the contrary, they kept oppressing one another with "law." And so He sent His Son to SHOW them how to do it. And, again, they failed. Unfortunately. BUT.. because He IS a God of service... and MERCY... He will not keep account of their error. Because LOVE... does not keep account of the error!
That He is NOT the "exacting", hateful warmonger that the false stylus of the scribes and false teachings of the "Pharisees" have made Him OUT to be most who claim to follow Him don't KNOW this. But I know it... and I will tell that truth to anyone willing to listen. By my words... and my how I live MY life. Which is nothing more than Christ himself taught us to do. I will do it... even if I look foolish to those like you.
But I will ALWAYS wish YOU peace... and a full, purposeful, and productive life, as I have been given... because that is what I would want YOU to wish for me. Which is also what my Lord has taught me.
And so I bid you that peace, now... and to time indefinite.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,