Our CO here in New Zealand is using the graph found at this site:
It sounds like you could be talking about the same graph. If so, then verify the link on the graph. The link says that the data used to generate this chart is " Selected earthquakes of general historic interest"
Some other signs that this graph is fake:
1: According to this chart there was only 1 earthquake in 1994, the real number of earthquakes for that year can be found at: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eqarchives/significant/sig_1994.php
2: There was no increase of quakes after 1914, as they would have you also believe.
We know the facts about these kind of graphs, the problem is that no JW would believe us, no matter how much prove we have. The CO can not be wrong. Even trying to show someone the true facts about earthquakes would have you labelled apostate.