I always love reading Shelby's words :)
They truly speak of how we must be ONE with our Lord and Saviour, BUT I know that for some, that is , deep down, a very scary thought.
You see, that means that the things we do and believe have to come VIA US and not VIA someone else telling us what is right, what is the "word", WE must try to understand instead of a guide book telling US "it is this way", which means ALL responsibility is on US, no one to blame but US.
For some that is a terrifying prospect, especially when we are so comfortable with being told by "others that know more".
The bible CAN be a great first step to knowing God and Jesus, but itis NOT the final step.
In reagrds to Paul's ( if it was Paul) words to Timothy about scripture, I think that when we try to take a General view of soemthing that was a specific answer to a specififc question, without knowing the details, we risk interpreting things wrongly. We don't know what scriptures Paul is referring to, but it was probably the OT ones since the NT wasn't around yet, or it coudl have been specific scripture Paul gave to Tim.
We need to take what Paul says about something in the context of how Paul feels about EVERYTHING to do with that something.
Shelby is quite right that Paul was often "misinterpreted", Peter makes mention of it too.
The reason was that Paul wrote to different groups in different ways and addressed specifics in the middle of general points.
It was his way and since he wrote to people that knew him and spent LOTS of tiem with him, THEY knew what he meant.
We, who came after the fact must take his teachings as a WHOLE and not pick and chooses specififcs to justify human doctrine.