Creative Days, How Long?

by Slidin Fast 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I really don't know where the WT is on creative days now, they used to be 7000 years long but now seem to be un-named fudged "thousands of years". This immediately starts to put the fossil record into a more sane place until you realise that Adam ius still believed to be created in C4026 BCE.

    So we have fossil records going back almost unarguably into geological timescales, oil (from living things) miles below the surface of the earth. Coal (fossilised trees) also far below the surface of the earth but man 6000 years old aprox.

    No wonder we aren't hearing much on the creative days.

    S F

  • cantleave

    It's all crap. Trying to shoehorn myths and legends into 21st century knowledge is never going to work.

  • Titus

    Check my first post on this forum.

  • blondie

    Officially, they are still 7,000 years long since the WTS has never printed anything say that concept has changed. They have though slipped in statements saying that each day is thousands of years long without being specific. If a creative day is no longer 7,000 years long, it does undercut the teaching that 1975 was the end of 6,000 years of human history and that the 1,000 year reign of Christ was soon come after 1975.

  • designs

    Check the Aid Book from the late 60s under 'Creation' p.392 it says the length of the creative days is unknown: 'the Bible does not specify the length'.

    The Aid Book committee were on a different page than Fred Franz.

  • JWoods
    Officially, they are still 7,000 years long since the WTS has never printed anything say that concept has changed. They have though slipped in statements saying that each day is thousands of years long without being specific. If a creative day is no longer 7,000 years long, it does undercut the teaching that 1975 was the end of 6,000 years of human history and that the 1,000 year reign of Christ was soon come after 1975.

    Exactly. They have never backed down on this previous 7,000 teaching, just tried to roller-skate around it by making veiled references to "many thousands of years" and such. It is almost as flagrant as the way they now deny that 1975 ever had any real meaning in their chronologies.

    Back when I was a young witness - even at 12 years old - this was just about the most unbelievable thing (to me) that they taught. I was asking myself - good God, didn't these people even read a 5th grade science book?

    Plus, not a single one of the witnesses could biblically explain where the 7,000 year length came from - you could possibly make a case biblically for a thousand years (a day is like a thousand years to god) - but 7,000? There was no credible reason to pick this lengh.

    I have a theory - I believe Freddy and the other 20th century end-timers came up with it out of whole cloth to make the 7th day end at 6000 years in their own time. This was, after all, the very basis of 1975 and the start of the millenium - and practically none of the witnesses back then prior to 1975 bothered to ask where these 7,000 year creative days came from.

    EDIT TO ADD - and, further on this subject - for that matter, exactly what Biblical reason did Freddy ever have to conclude that the 1000 year reign of Christ would correspond to the last 1000 years of the seventh creative day? Why not the next 1000 years after the 7 x 7,000 = 49,000 years were over? That would at least have made a nice round 50,000 years...

    Like I say, he was obsessed with having the end come in the 20th century.

  • blondie

    JWoods, they arrived at the 7,000 years by counting back from statements of the ages of people in the bible, coming up with 6,000 and then added 1,000 saying that Jesus' reign had to occur in the 7th creative day.

    It was put in an article in the WT...I don't have the CD at work...I'll try to put it on here.

  • JWoods
    JWoods, they arrived at the 7,000 years by counting back from statements of the ages of people in the bible, coming up with 6,000 and then added 1,000 saying that Jesus' reign had to occur in the 7th creative day.

    Yeah - I know that was how they actually came up with it...but by that logic, it still all depends on a fixation that the 1,000 years had to start in the 20th century! In other words, they were counting backwards to come up with the 7,000 years. There is nothing Biblically to say that the days might not be say - 12,000 years - (thus another 6,000 years to the end of things), other than their absolute conviction (totally in their own minds) that the end had to come in their own lifetime.

    And now it is the 21st century, the guy who thought this up is dead, the generation of 1914 has passed away, and all this is quietly being dropped.

    But I think Blondie is right - they will probably NEVER give up a total withdrawal from the 7,000 years as this would almost admit that the whole 1975 fantasy was as bogus as the tooth fairy.

  • blondie

    This shows that they count back to 4026 BCE as the creation of Adam and Eve.

    4026 + 1975 - 1 (no zero year) = 6,000 + 1,000 year reign

    The WTS reasons that if the 7th creative day is 7,000 years long, then the other six are the same length.

  • JWoods
    The WTS reasons that if the 7th creative day is 7,000 years long, then the other six are the same length.

    The WTS reasons? But - the fact that things just went on past 1975 drops all this nonsense into the round can.

    By the way, Blondie, has the WTBTS ever taken a position on Irish Archbishop James Ussher? His date for Adam was 4004 BC. Same deal - counted back by the ages of patriarchs, but took the death of Nebuchadnezzar as his fixed date - 562 BC, which is still largely accepted today. Ussher did this back in the mid-1600s and made no prophetic issues out of it - he was interested in just the historical chronology.

    I just re-read a chapter from a book on the age calculation of the world, and was also reminded that the JWs were not the first to claim 6,000 years as the length of existence of the civilized world: An ancient Talmudic prophecy decreed that it was 6,000 divided into three 2,000 year intervals - 2,000 years to be void, 2,000 years of the torah, 2,000 years of the messiah.

    So really, this stuff is all just a JW retune of previous ideas, and not even totally original with them.

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