It's spelled "Israel", not "Isreal"
by gubberningbody 12 Replies latest jw experiences
r u shore?
And definitely is spelled definitely NOT definately, which is my little online spelling pet peeve.
Then & Than
Unless English is your second language, which may be considered a reasonable excuse for not knowing any better, learn which word to use in the right place. For example, don't say, "I like this one better then that one." Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
a lot
Your and You're
The first one is a pronoun, and the second is a contraction of you are. For example: This land is your land. You're a nice person. Before you write your, ask yourself if you could write you are instead. If so, then you should either go ahead and write you are or its contraction you're.
Speaking of contractions, it's is a contraction of it is. Its, on the other hand, is a possessive pronoun like your. Notice that the possessive pronoun does not contain an apostrophe.
cognizant dissident
Some people (Cog) type really, really fast and the words that sound the same sometimes get interchanged because her brain is thinking of the concept of what she is writing and doesn't notice the insertion of homophones into her otherwise perfectly thought out posts. That doesn't mean I don't no know my grammar and spelling.
I would have thought that after all these years of reading the Watchtower some of you people would know how to spell.
Unless your eyes glazed over every time you picked it up... that's possible...
Dark Side
Dumb ass or Dumbass?