The study editionof the watchtower for september 15th 2010, p13 states "Similarly today, a Governing Body composed of spirit-anointed Christians contributes to the unity of the worldwide congregation. The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God's word. Thus what is taught is not from men but from Jehovah"
Dose this mean everything that's been printed in the Watchtower and other pulications is from Jehovah? What a statment so the "new light" understanding on the blood, the new generation, etc ect are of course from Jehovah. But the "old light" the wrong understanding was also from Jehovah. So does Jehovah get things wrong?
Do the Gb not know what they are saying. Of course we can not question them, because the study article goes on to say on p23 "The anointed and their other sheep companions recongnize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader ,Christ"
Are they saying they are on the same leavel as Christ ..... no acorrding to the GB Jehovah is saying they are "what is taught is not from men"