When it comes to weather, would you rather have a wind chill below zero, or a heat index over 100? It's the hottest week of the summer here. I have to confess, I handle the cold much better than the heat. Too much heat just drains all my energy. How I long for the cold and snow of winter.
Which do you prefer?
by keyser soze 28 Replies latest jw friends
Living in the UK I don't have to suffer either. Move to a temperate climate and enjoy the weather
Cold definitely. I'm a big burly bastard so the heat whips me and the cold doesn't really affect me.
With cold you can always put more clothing on. With heat, you can only strip off so much before it gets offensive.
I live in Tennessee and we are having one of the hottest and humid summers ever. I LOVE IT...
The Canadian desert has both extremes..
I like both..
I like hot. I hate cold.
At least in the summer I can crank up the AC I keep mine at 69 degrees but thanks to cheap TVA hydroelectric power it's cheaper than the rest of the country...
cult classic
I used to love cold weather. I agree, you can always get warm. But here the winter's are too long and gray. So I'm starting to crave the heat and sun, no matter how hot it gets.
I would rather deal with the cold than hot. I'd rather do things outdoors in the cold.