FREE TO GOOD HOME, or not so good: My wife’s cat named Charlie AKA: Chuckles, Sir Charles, Chuck, Kitty-Kitty Meow-Meow. He is a 10 -12 year old cat that requires prescription food; Hills Science Diet (from vet, very expensive) and 2 insulin shots a day @ total of 6 units a day ( from vet, very very expensive.)
He enjoys 1) pissing on the carpet 2) scratching the hell out of the carpet, dressers, and furniture, and 3) particularly enjoys kicking all of the litter on the floor so I can walk in it 4) sleeping on my pillow ( I am allergic to animal hair)
!!!FREE SHIPPING!!! – I will ship this cat to you free of charge in a sealed, air tight shipping carton and can guarantee that upon receipt this cat will give you as much trouble in the future as it has given me since I mailed it.
Just email me your address and your new pet will be on his way!