and she said that she likes to shoot turtles. She does not look too bad, but I am concerned.
I was reading a personal ad one minute ago....
by asilentone 24 Replies latest social relationships
u at this again?
I love women.
grrrrr (kids have two red-ear sliders---- adorable little things)
Seeing how you are not married, not religious and not in a serious relationship wouldn't it be wiser to just set up an account with a madam for your 'in between' relationship periods?
These craigslist and personal ad girls are least a '''''professional'''' has money on her mind and is interested in making you sure you are a satisfied customer for call backs versus some nutjob thinking she is your new girlfriend.
do what i do ... grab a sex doll ....
yeah it sounds weird... and demented... but you used to be in a cult... so we all do weird crazy things. but still usually people shoot cans not turtles lol weird lady.
looks a little weird
she can teach you to shoot turtles and you can show her how to kill bugs long and slow, sounds like a pretty good match. go for it.
Aussie Oz
could be good if you like turtle soup...