I personally don't recommend the whole conscious class thing. The ONLY reason that I still go to meetings is to try and hold my family together until such time when my wife can see the truth. I don't feel I'm being dishonest like poorplaces is accusing. I just don't allow myself into positions where I will have to disagree with the WT in front of other Witnesses. I also know that no matter what I say, the majority of JWs do not want to know about it anyway. They are so fearful of hearing or reading something contrary to the WT that will lead them away.I don't go door to door any more preaching a lie. I don't comment at the meetings. I sit in my seat and take care of my kids for a few hours a week. That's it.
Witnesses have you in a strangle hold even when you understand that it's not the truth anymore. If you don't do things just right you will lose your family. Friends can be replaced, family cannot. And they seem eager to take them away at the slightest hint of you not believing in them anymore.
Anyway, being of the "conscious class" is something that I think is a necessity for some people. And only for a time. Once the door is opened and you see the light, there is no way to close that door again. So if you are going to keep going to meetings and not inform other Witnesses of your conclusions, you should have a good reason for doing this. Otherwise, I agree that you should get out and run.
Some of you guys think that as soon as you see the truth about the org you need to cut your losses and run quick. I tried that at first and I came to realize that sometimes some discretion is needed and you need to take things in steps, at least for your family's sake. Just because you don't come out immediately after seeing that the org is not right, that does not condemn you.
Fading has it's own pitfalls and "dishonesty". Everyone in the congregation still views you as a Witness, just an inactive one. And if any of them catch you doing something wrong (i.e. going to a church, dating an unbeliever, smoking) you will be df'd anyway.