bumped for oneoutallout
by bigmac 406 Replies latest jw friends
Hi. I can't see any obvious connections on here. One or two maybe knows. I'm in Redhill. Always Reigate cong. Know a few from the Crawley area. Do you know me/us Phizzy?
Witness My Fury
I was in the KH that met in the Haysbridge assy site near crawley for a short period in 1998 /1999.
WMF. Do you mean the cong met at Haysbridge for a short time, or you were in the cong that used it regularly, for a short time? (Confused myself with that)
Nugget was in Redhill as a kid in the late 70's early 80's.
I knew some people from the Redhill area.
Witness My Fury
The one that met there permanently, I was there for a short time.
WMF. Ah the one that starts with H and rhymes with poorly?? Thanks for nudging this thread for me by the way.
BTT for Bluefluff
bumped for PHATS to see hes not the only fat english git on here
@ didgeridoo: what part? i used to be in brum & west brom.
Bit late in replying but Dudley