Has anyone counted Parttakers as published in the yearbook?

by STILLINWANTOUT 11 Replies latest jw friends


    I was just wondering if anyone has ever counted the yearly parttakers

    2008- 9986




    Based on these numbers 36373 has been anointed in four years alone. Am I mistaken to understand that the 144000 is to go to heaven and are apart of the anointed class and therefore these part takers are also going to heaven. Wouldnt this be a contradiction if in this decade alone there has been at least that many part takers. I am technically still an active witness but this as always bothered me. Please help!!! I got these numbers off the CD library 2009.

  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt
  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I watched this number all my life. For a long time I didn't care but in 2000 I remember talking to a relative and mentioning that the number doesn't go down in proportion to the age these people are supposed to be. He was adamant that the number decreased preciptiously each year. I said "will you please just go back and look at your yearbooks?" He never got back to me.

    thanks for the video LWT

    edited: well, not all my life. From the age of understanding though.... lol

  • AGuest
    Based on these numbers 36373 has been anointed in four years alone.

    Not exactly, dear SIWO (peace to you!). You are adding the numbers as if these are ones added each year to the previous year's numbers. You really should only add the DIFFERENCE between the current and previous years. For example, if the number was 8524 in 2005, but 8758 in 2006, then the nunber increased by 234. It increased by 347, in 2007, and 881 in 2008. It increased further in 2009, but I don't have that number.

    The problem with the WTBTS' explanation for this increase (i.e., the new ones partaking are "replacements")... is that the number is increasing. Meaning, if they were replacements... the number... should stay the SAME, if not DECREASE (to account for those who may have died). But they have NO idea about the whole thing and are just making it up as the go along, anyway, so you should feel free to dismiss ANYTHING they say about it.

    Am I mistaken to understand that the 144000 is to go to heaven and are apart of the anointed class and therefore these part takers are also going to heaven.

    No... and yes. They do go, but not alone: the "great crowd"... who are ALSO anointed... go, as well, so the number is NOT limited to 144,000. Those are only the ones "from among the SONS OF ISRAEL." The great crowd is out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue, and people...

    Also, they only go to heaven (i.e., enter into the spirit realm) for a brief period... in order to be "joined" to Christ, by spirit. After that, they ALL return to the physical realm, which they rule... UPON.

    Wouldnt this be a contradiction if in this decade alone there has been at least that many part takers. I am technically still an active witness but this as always bothered me. Please help!!! I got these numbers off the CD library 2009.

    I think if you use my adding explanation above, that should make things a little clearer for you. At least, as to the numbers. The rest of their teachings, well, I don't think the numbers help at all.

    I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,



    Aguest. Thank you. I am trying to get a really good argument to stump the Elders to leave me alone so I can fade out? My mother is doing cartwheel that I am leaving. My first clue shouldve been my dad who was raised in didnt want me to join up... *sigh*

  • cyberjesus

    And also take in consideration the deceased ones, so not only the difference but also that for every 1000 people 9 die every year.

  • AGuest

    I am trying to get a really good argument to stump the Elders to leave me alone so I can fade out?

    How about, "I can't follow you guys any more bcause YOU follow the scribes and Pharisees... who 'seat themselves in the seat of Moses' (Matthew 23:2, 3)... rather than following Christ (John 10:3-5)... and in so doing, are actually constituting yourselves as the 'wolves' who 'snatch and scatter' God's sheep while the GB/'hired man' does nothing (John 10:12, 13)... just as you are doing to ME, right now..."?

    How's that? Oh, right, you did say you wanted to fade...

    I'm sorry, truly, but anyone here can telll you that I'm not really very good at sugar-coating the truth in order to make false prophets and their henchmen feel good about themselves... so I can avoid pain. I'm little more masochistic than that - !

    But I wish YOU success... and peace!

    A slave of Christ,



    Lmao.. I tried to get disfellowship but I really was going to miss some of of the nice ones. Some I definately can live without.

    Thanks Aguest, I barely go to the meetings but they are so damn nosey I wanna tell them f-off. I might honestly try your method. Get them off my


    At this point fade, da, df I honestly don't care. And to start I will schedule that yoga class for tomorrow, Thursday. I have my thursdays back.

  • AGuest

    Schedule that class, then, dear SIWO... and don't forget to breathe! LOLOLOLOLOL!

    Peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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