When I was a witless, I noticed the same trend. Even during the late 1980s, things seemed to run into each other. You never had Christmas or holidays to break things up, and the REJECT Jesus Party is exactly the same every year. They tried telling me that pio-sneering was a brand new experience and that I should try it--I realized that it was nothing more than spending all, not just most, of my time in field circus. And, it got worse during the 1990s--to this day, I have difficulty differentiating between around mid 1992 through late 1994 because of them.
And, it has gotten worse. During the late 1990s, I would occasionally see witlesses working territory on my way back home from work. However, during the late 2000s, such is extremely rare. Even during their waste of paper distribution campaigns (for which they are supposed to come out when they are not normally out, and stay out longer than normal), it is very thin turnout. Since 2006, I have yet to receive even one waste of paper; my whole apartment complex (not even a gated community, at that) has been skipped each and every time. They don't even leave their wastes of paper in the bulk mail bins.
If I am going to work those hours, I would rather be setting up "sun worship" decorations. At least that way, I will actually see the results, and others will be able to see something at least pleasurable for my hard work. Going door to door with a worn-out message that most people do not want to hear is being tired simply for nothing.