1) I am listening to the meeting on the phone right now. During the announcements they said there is a letter about paperback Bibles and if you want to know what it says you need to read it on the notice board. Does anyone know what that was about? I can't read it on the notice board because I'm not there! When did they stop actually reading letters out?
2) I was reading a thread earlier (about 6 hours ago) that had a youtube video on it. I was reading on my iPhone and it could not view this video for some reason. Now I am searching the forum on my PC and I can't find this thread anywhere. It sounded interesting. Two people said that they are not emotional types but the video was powerful. I think it was about a father shunning a child and it might have had something to do with blood, or maybe not I am not sure. Does anyone know where that is?
3) They read the letter at the meeting about congregations signing over their money to the Society. They mentioned that only 37% of congregations have taken up the arrangement so far, thought that was interesting.