Can jehovah Witness 14 year old male, be gay??
by Loz&Coz 14 Replies latest jw friends
sure, it can happen in any age. some people are born that way.
We just want to know beacuse our friend. might be and he is a massive JW!
Is it acceptable though! like we have no issue :) but would the religion?
Well, of course, it's possible. But for him to admit it would be social suicide.
of course, it is not acceptable to the JW elders, they will find themselves expelled from the congregation.
One of my JW friends growing up was a guy who all the girls liked. When we were kindergarteners, he wanted to play dolls with the girls, not rough with my brother and another JW boy his age. He just wanted to play with the girls. He went through a lot of his emotional/spiritual/sexual issues with my understanding brother.
Years later he left the JWs and came out gay. No surprise to us. I'm glad he was true to himself.
keyser soze
If by gay, you mean happy, absolutely not.
Hell, I was a preschooler, raised in a 2nd generation JW household when I first realized I liked my buddy Graeme more than Cheryl. It became my miserable solo secret until I was in my twenties. No amount of "Sorrys" on my pathetic self-rejecting part to the monstrously heterosexual-approving Jehovah God changed a single thing. Erasers rub out everything but damn reality.
We've all heard this before. Does this "friend" happen to go by an internet personality of Loz&Coz? Don't worry, we will accept you.